Program Name

Lussier LOFT High School Summer Program

Program Description

Our High school Summer program seeks to engage youth in a wide variety of opportunities which aim to empower youth voice, education, health & wellness, and community pride and involvement. We will enjoy Madison and surrounding areas as we get youth outside and active. Our summer program will use a project-based learning model to engage youth in connecting to both program and the community. High school youth will have weekly academic courses in poetry, financial literacy and life skills. In addition youth will have opportunities to stay active and healthy through our Fit Youth Initiative program. High school students will take trips to colleges in Wisconsin and Illinois this summer to support career and college preparation. Our Girls Inc. and Young men's group program also provide an opportunity for youth to connect with peers. 
LEG UP (Leadership by Engaging in Goal-Setting Uniting Peers) program is an additional program offered to youth entering 9th grade. This group engages in group and individual goal setting by facing a variety of active outdoor challenges and applying specific strategies and skills to overcome challenges. Youth will apply goal-setting skills and experience to entering high school in the fall as they set goals for their high school career and beyond. 

Last Updated:
Last Updated:




Becky Bauer
Contact Phone
(608) 204-8014
Contact Email
Quick Details:
Grades/Ages Served:
Grade 9 (ages 14 to 15),
Grade 10 (ages 15 to 16),
Grade 11 (ages 16 to 17),
Grade 12 (ages 17 to 20)
Time of Day Offered:
Partial Day
Time of Year Offered:
Day(s) of Week Offered:
Program Type:
College Exploration and/or Guidance on how to Pay for College,
Leadership Development and Civic Engagement,
Life Skills & Social Emotional Development
Free Program:
Financial Assistance Available:
Registration Required:
ADA Accessible Location(s):
Services for Children with Disabilities:
Transportation Provided:
Bilingual Services: