Goodman Community Center
About GCC
The Goodman Community Center is here for our whole community. People from all walks of life and all ages come for programs and services that make their lives — and our community — stronger. Whether you come take a class, use our food pantry, host a party, drop off your child, you are welcome here.
GCC is the largest neighborhood center in Madison. We currently house a preschool, 4-year-old kindergarten, afterschool programs for all ages (including countywide Girls Inc.), an alternative high school, an older adult program, food pantry, fitness center. We also rent our rooms out to individuals, private corporations and community groups on a daily basis.
Since opening our new building in 2008, GCC has served around 25,000 people each year through our programs, services and facility rentals. We estimate that we have touched more than 200,000 lives since our founding in 1954.
We are a private nonprofit and while we carry the Goodman name with pride and happily share it with other Madison-area organizations, we are not affiliated with them.
Goodman started as the Atwood Community Center at 2425 Atwood Avenue and has served the community as a full-service center since 1943. It was affiliated with the newly formed United Neighborhood Centers until 1999 when it became an independent nonprofit.
In 2008, we moved into a new building at 149 Waubesa Street and took a new name ― the Goodman Community Center. While we continue to love our sense of place on the near east side, our programs and services now reach throughout Dane County.

43.0967271, -89.3436674
Goodman Community Center
Goodman Community Center
149 Waubesa Street
Madison, WI 53704
United States