Organization Name

Regent Soccer Club

Organization Description

The Regent Soc­cer Club, Inc. is a non-profit youth soc­cer orga­ni­za­tion based in the near west side of Madi­son. We offer both recre­ational (U6-U14) and com­pet­i­tive (U11-U19) teams. Our goal is to allow play­ers to develop a love for the game by keep­ing it fun, afford­able, and kid-centered. Except for kinder­garten (U6) which is spring-only and High School (fall-only for HS girls, spring-only for HS boys), our teams play in the fall and spring. Both our recre­ational and com­pet­i­tive teams tend to be school– or neighborhood-based so play­ers can play with their friends.

Our Mis­sion:

Regent Soc­cer Club serves the com­mu­nity by pro­vid­ing an inclu­sive, fun, learn­ing envi­ron­ment for youth soc­cer players.

Our Val­ues:

We believe that our soc­cer envi­ron­ment should:

Be safe
Be afford­able and avail­able to all
Show respect to all, includ­ing play­ers, offi­cials, coaches, par­ents and fans
Value player devel­op­ment at all skill lev­els while pro­mot­ing good sports­man­ship and encour­ag­ing a life­long love of the game
Strive to con­tin­u­ously improve the facil­i­ties we use, the coach­ing we offer, soc­cer offi­ci­at­ing in the Madi­son area and our club leadership
Be school/neighborhood based



43.1073559, -89.3604817

Regent Soccer Club



Regent Soccer Club
P.O. Box 5413
Madi­son, WI
United States




