Regent Soccer Club
The Regent Soccer Club, Inc. is a non-profit youth soccer organization based in the near west side of Madison. We offer both neighborhood (U6-U14 Gold Program) and competitive (U11-U19 Blue Program) teams. Our goal is to allow players to develop a love for the game by providing an inclusive, fun, affordable, and player-centered. Except for kindergarten (U6) which is spring-only and High School (fall-only for HS girls, spring-only for HS boys), our teams play in the fall and spring. Both our neighborhood (Gold Program) and competitive teams (Blue Program) tend to be school– or neighborhood-based so players can play with their friends.
Our Mission:
Regent Soccer Club serves the community by providing an inclusive, fun, learning environment for youth soccer players.
Our Values:
We believe that our soccer environment should:
Be safe
Be affordable and available to all
Show respect to all, including players, officials, coaches, parents and fans
Value player development at all skill levels while promoting good sportsmanship and encouraging a lifelong love of the game
Strive to continuously improve the facilities we use, the coaching we offer, soccer officiating in the Madison area and our club leadership
Be school/neighborhood based