Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center
The purpose of Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center’s Youth Programs is to provide a safe and respectful environment for all children ages 5 through 12. We strive to foster a stimulating and nurturing environment which offers each child opportunities and support to acquire and develop skills and concepts. Our programs offer high quality activities in an environment which allows children to learn and work together as a community. We stress the development of positive self-images and empowerment in a culturally diverse world through fun, creativity, adventure, activity, experimentation, inquiry, and constructive problem solving. We encourage imagination, independence, self-confidence, and respect of themselves and others. The After School Program and Summer Camp are state licensed programs.
Hours of Operation:
After School Program Hours:
Monday-Friday: School release-5:30 pm
No program when schools are closed or have early release
Program runs during school year
Summer Camp Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Program runs 9 weeks from the middle of June to the middle of August