Spring Kinde Soccer
Spring Kinde Soccer Program
CESC Kindergarten Soccer – April to June 2016 – 2 times weekly for $55.00
Open to all Kindergartners. Students will be placed on school-based teams with at least one coach. Coaches are volunteer parents from the team. Typical team is 10 players. Games are 3v3, with two games being played at the same time. ‘Trainings/practices’ are fun, skill based activities, guided by CESC Trainers.
All at Olbrich Park on the east side of Madison!
Tuesday evening practice 5:30 – 6:30 pm 5/3 to 6/7
Saturday mornings games 8:30 – 9:30 am 5/7 to 6/4 plus Kinde Jamboree 6/11REGISTER FOR KINDE SOCCER NOW!Kinde Calendar, Spring 2016
March 15, 2016 Player Registrations due – Register online! Fee : $55.00
April 1 Volunteer Coaches get team rosters
April 12, 2016 *FREE Kinde Coach Training (WYSA ‘Y1’ certificate for all volunteer coaches) (April date TBD) Break Away Sports CenterKinde Coaches: Meet CESC Coaching Director, get your team’s balls/bag, cones and flags, and learn a little about soccer. Dress to run around the Breakaway indoor soccer field, expect to have fun. CESC Meeting starts at 5:30 and Y1 coach clinic starts at 6:00. Come early if you can to check in. Bring a friend, it’s free!
More about Coaching Kinde
May thru early June **8:30** am Saturday mornings, Kinde Play Days at Olbrich Park – please come ready to help set up at 8:15
Plus Tuesday practices – 5:30 at Olbrich Park
June 11, 2016 Kindergarten Jamboree at Reddan Soccer Park
More about the Jamboree