Spring Break STEM Camp for Kids in Grades K-6!
BadgerBots Spring Break Camp!
A week-long, half-day STEM camp at BadgerBots in Middleton for kids in grades K-6. A full-day option (from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm) is possible by selecting both the AM and PM camps as well as the extended morning care and the extended afternoon care. Spring Break Camp runs from 3/24-3/28. Great for all experience levels!
AM camp: 8:30-11:30 am: “Building Bots,” where kids will use LEGO robotics kits to explore how motors and sensors work, practice basic block coding to bring them to life and build LEGO robots to enhance their understanding of these essential components.
PM camp: 12:30-3:30 pm: "Putting the 'A' in STE(A)M," where kids will explore 2D and 3D design through activities in arts and crafts, coding, design and 3D printing.
BadgerBots is located at 7615 Discovery Drive, Middleton, WI 53562 (near Fiskars and Costco).
Contact us at info@badgerbots.org.
Learn more at: www.badgerbots.org/camps-workshops
Register today at: https://www.cogran.io/index.html?badgerbots#/