Southern Wisconsin Skating School
Southern Wisconsin Skating School located at McFarland Community Ice Center, 4812 Marsh Rd., McFarland, WI 53557 provides year-round group and private ice skating lessons with an emphasis on positive, individualized instruction. Our mission is to teach and inspire beginning through advanced figure, hockey and speed skaters of all ages, abilities and interests. Session IV group lessons will meet April 1 through May 20,2017 on Saturday mornings from 11:20 AM -12:20 PM. show practice will begin immediately following the lessons. the Annual Spring Show will be held April 22, from 6:00-7:00 PM. Soloists will include figure skaters from the Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating Club. The SWFSC also provides daily ice for figure skating training at the McFarland Community Ice Arean. A qualified, sincere and friendly professional staff is available to advance all skaters in their chosen area of figure skating.
Summer classes: Monday evenings 5:45-6:45 PM June 12 through August 14. The Summer program of the Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating Club provides 12 week figure skating training of two to three hours /day of free style ice plus power skating, on and off ice dance/choreography training for figure skaters. Guest Professionals are welcome.
Contact Persons: Alice Wentworth 608-445-1935; Michelle Reiderer, 608-516-2320 - or Diane Olson President of the Southern Wisconsin Figure Skating Club