Program Name

Rings Martial Arts After school program and summer camp program

Provided by Rings Martial Arts
Program Description

What's your child doing after school?  Is before school a problem?  Is your child too old for Daycare and too young to stay home alone?  Ring's "Karate Kid" program is the perfect activity for your child.  We have a BEFORE SCHOOL  program where we will drop off your child safely at school for parents who have to be to work early.
We have an AFTER SCHOOL program where we will transport your child every day after school to Rings.  ** Your child will learn the art of Tae Kwon Do while achieving goals all the way to Black Belt.  **We teach Child Stranger Danger Class.  **We do relay games and other physical conditioning games.  We also have an Academic Achievement homework club.  NOTE:  We do not pick up children for the whole Madison area.  We are currently limited to approximately 10 schools on the East Side of Madison.  Please give us a call to see if your child will qualify for our program and also If we are transporting from your school.  We also have an age requirement for the children that are attending. 
We also have a "Karate Kid"  SUMMER CAMP fpr school age children.  Karate Camp is fun and excitement all day long.  In addition to Tae Kwon Do lessons.. we go out on field trips such as swimming, Bowling, Movies, Roller Skating, and outside play activities. We go on a field trip every day with no extra charge to the parents.   The summer camp is available for school age children age 7 and older.  The program runs through the whole summer with a 1 week closure in the middle of July.  Call us for more information about this program.  We will be filling up fast, so if you are interested, you will need to respond soon, in order to save your spot.  We also give discounts for families with 2 children. 

Last Updated:
Last Updated:




Janet Ring
Contact Phone
(608) 221-9704
Contact Email
Quick Details:
Grades/Ages Served:
Grade 1 (ages 6 to 7),
Grade 2 (ages 7 to 8),
Grade 3 (ages 8 to 9),
Grade 4 (ages 9 to 10),
Grade 5 (ages 10 to 11),
Grade 6 (ages 11 to 12),
Grade 7 (ages 12 to 13)
Time of Day Offered:
Before School,
After School,
Partial Day,
Full Day
Time of Year Offered:
School Year,
School Holidays & Breaks
Day(s) of Week Offered:
Program Type:
Leadership Development and Civic Engagement,
Life Skills & Social Emotional Development,
Recreation / Physical Activity
Free Program:
Financial Assistance Available:
Registration Required:
ADA Accessible Location(s):
Services for Children with Disabilities:
Transportation Provided:
Bilingual Services: