MSCR Middle School Programs (Afterschool)
The Madison Metropolitan School District and MSCR have grants from Dane County Human Services and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, to run Youth Resource Centers at all MMSD Middle Schools. Some sites are run in partnership with Urban League of Greater Madison. A variety of afterschool, evening and weekend recreation activities, educational opportunities and service opportunities are offered for students and families. For more information contact MSCR or the Youth Resource Center Director at each school.
A variety of special interest clubs are available at all MMSD middle schools. Please contact the Youth Resource Center Director or MSCR Recreation Counselor at your school. Clubs may include horseback riding, drama, music, bowling, chess, dance, skiing, canoeing and more. Clubs are based on student interest at each school. Fees may be charged for some clubs. Register at school site.
Selected afterschool team sports are available at all MMSD middle schools. Please contact the Youth Resource Center Director or MSCR Recreation Counselor at your school. Sports typically offered are cross country, volleyball, flag football, basketball, wrestling, tennis, soccer, ultimate frisbee and softball. Competition is with other MMSD middle schools. Due to facility and staff limitations, some of the team sports which involve competing with other MMSD middle schools, are offered for 7th and 8th grade students only. Intramural sports activities are organized within each school for 6th grade students. Register at school site.
Summer sites vary per location.