Program Name

Lindbergh Summer Library Program

Program Description

Lindbergh Elementary School Summer Library is back: Wednesdays from 5 to 7pm on June 13, June 20, June 27, July 11, July 18, July 25, August 1

Lindbergh Elementary Library is hosting our 2nd annual Summer Library program.  The Lindbergh summer library program is a friendly place for families to gather, meet new people, join in storytime, checkout books, create with makerspace, and explore new technology. We will also have community programing and summer harvest from our school garden.

All families are welcome. Kids and/or students are to bring a grown up (not a drop off). Lakeview Public Library staff will also be available. Families can participate in the Madison Public Library summer reading program right at Lindbergh.

Activities include (so far): Wednesdays from 5 to 7

Wednesday, June 13 --Kick Off with with MSCR Fit to Go Van with outdoor games, food, free little library, etc.
Wednesday, June 20 -- Kid-build Bird feeder project with Home Depot and games with Warner Park
Wednesday, June 27 -- Drumming circle with Mr. Stancer
Wednesday, July 11- Animation stations with the Madison Public Library, insects with UW Entomology, and snakes/reptiles with Madison Herpetology.
Wednesday, July 18 -- Kid-build airplane project with Home Depot and and Fish casting with the Yahara fishing club
Wednesday, July 25 -- Watermelon carving, Animation stations with the Madison Public Library, and insects with UW Entomology
Wednesday, Aug. 1 -- End of Summer party -- reptiles/snakes with Madison Herpetology

Other community programs are in the works including planting, sewing, crafts, nature, and baking.

Contact Nicole Quandt,, or Mandy Meloy,  for more information.
We look forward to seeing you at the Lindbergh Summer Library!

Last Updated:
Last Updated:




Mandy Meloy and Nicole Quandt
Contact Phone
(608) 204-6511
Quick Details:
Grades/Ages Served:
Kindergarten (ages 5 to 6),
Grade 1 (ages 6 to 7),
Grade 2 (ages 7 to 8),
Grade 3 (ages 8 to 9),
Grade 4 (ages 9 to 10),
Grade 5 (ages 10 to 11),
Grade 6 (ages 11 to 12),
Grade 7 (ages 12 to 13),
Grade 8 (ages 13 to 14),
Grade 9 (ages 14 to 15),
Grade 10 (ages 15 to 16),
Grade 11 (ages 16 to 17),
Grade 12 (ages 17 to 20)
Time of Day Offered:
Time of Year Offered:
Day(s) of Week Offered:
Program Type:
Arts / Cultural Enrichment,
Reading / Literacy,
Recreation / Physical Activity
Free Program:
Financial Assistance Available:
Registration Required:
ADA Accessible Location(s):
Services for Children with Disabilities:
Transportation Provided:
Bilingual Services: