Free Elementary Youth Camp at Neighborhood House!
Neighborhood House Elementary Youth Summer Day Camp
Elementary camp is open to youth entering 2nd through 5th grade (with limited space for 6 year olds). Camp takes place Monday through Friday from 8am - 4pm at Neighborhood House (29 S Mills St). Each week campers will participate in outdoor activities, arts and craft, STEM activities, field trips, community presentations, cooking, games and more! Parents must provide transportation to and from camp.
Every week is centered on a theme. Campers can sign up for all 8 weeks or just weeks that interest them.
Camp is FREE!
You will receive confirmation of camp enrollment later this spring.
Please direct any questions to Laura at (704-582-1408) or Joe at
Can't wait to see you this summer!
Week 1 - Sticky Icky Ooey Gooey June 20 - 24
Be ready to get messy! This week we will create with shaving cream, make slime, messy art & cooking projects, work in the garden and tie dye!
Week 2 - Cooking Connection June 28 - July 1
This week is spent cooking and eating! We will make all kinds of recipes and art with food, learn food science, and make pizzas at Rocky Rococos!
Week 3 - Passport to Fun July 5 - 8 (skip 7/4)
Take a trip around the world! We will learn about all kinds of art, music, and food from all across the globe.
Week 4 - Out of This World July 11 - 15
Discover the mysteries of outer space and other areas of science and STEM through experiments, art, and more!
Week 5 - Wide World of Sports July 18 - 22
Explore athletics! We will spend time playing games and trying new sports, and visit a sports arena and UW playing fields.
Week 6 - Walk on the Wild Side July 25 - 29
This week is all about outside. We will learn about the plants and animals around us, make natural crafts and foods, and visit nearby gardens.
Week 7 - When You Say Wisconsin... Aug 1 - 5
Explore the city and state you live in! We will take field trips Wisconsin museums , eat and cook local foods, and learn about WI art and culture.
Week 8 - Artful Antics Aug 8 - 12
This week is all about art! We will paint and draw, work with clay, create culinary art, visit an art museum, and meet with local artists.