Business Boot Virtual Camps for 2020 - Madison, WI
Due to Covid-19 we are running our camps via live zoom virtual sessions this summer. Great for kids 9 and up.
Business Start-up camp is June 15-17 from 9am-4pm (with several offline breaks). Includes choosing and developing a business idea, learning business basics, putting together a business plan with the business model canvas, playing the Biz Ops Game to learn business operations, entrepreneurial speakers, business presentations and an awards session for friends and family.
Business and Leadership camp is June 18-19 from 9am-4pm (with several offline breaks). Prerequisite is the Business Start-up Camp, attending a previous Eseedling camp or having their business up and running. Includes entrepreneurial mindset, vision boards, goals and action plans, elevator pitches, financial planning, developing their business operations further, and awards ceremony for friends and family.
There will be a separate in person Team Lemonade Stand (for the start-up camp) and Business Fair (for the business and leadership camp) on July 27 in Madison, WI if the Dane County Forward Plan deems it is safe.
Limited needs based Scholarships available - contact for information.