Organization Name

West Madison Little League

Organization Description

West Madison Little League (WMLL) is a chartered member of Little League International serving Madison-area youth with baseball and softball opportunities.  WMLL has a spring/summer season and a fall season.  Kids ages 7-16 are eligible to play.  For the spring/summer season the baseball leagues include residency restrictions which is a requirement of Little League International.  Softball and fall baseball do not have the residency restrictions.  For spring/summer baseball, players must live in or go to school in one of three area school districts: Madison Memorial, Madison West, and Middleton Cross Plains.

Player scholarships are available for families who meet eligibility requirements for financial assistance and we also offer a Challegner League in the fall season for kids with physical and/or mental disabilities.  All games are played at one of our 3 fields at 701 Forward Drive in Madison, WI.





West Madison Little League
701 Forward Drive
Madison, WI 53711
United States



(608) 575-3988
