King's Kids Academy
King’s Kids Academy is Christ-Centered childcare with a mission to love children and parents, to invite families to become part of our family, to use play as the means to develop strong minds and bodies and characters! Our curriculum is designed to promote excellent social and cognitive skills through play encouraged by teachers filled with child-like wonder! We believe that relationship is the key to helping children develop fearless, kind and caring hearts and to see the Fingerprints of God all around them!
For families looking for alternative school options, King’s Kids Academy is pleased to offer Private Kindergarten and First Grade, Virtual Learning Support, Creative Exploration, and Academic Specials! DPI Licensed teachers and highly skilled school-age staff lead these programs! Call us today and let us help you with your child’s schooling!
King’s Kids Academy, the Pearl of Mansion Hill, provides a safe and nurturing Christian environment for your child to play and learn and grow. To find out more information about our programs or schedule a tour, please call 608-845-5464 Or leave us a note. We will get back to you ASAP.

43.0343416, -89.5266522
King's Kids Academy
King's Kids Academy
8133 Mansion Hill Avenue
Madison, WI 53719
United States
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