Organization Name

Business Emerging Leaders Program

Organization Description

The Business Emerging Leaders (BEL) Program is designed for promising students who come from diverse backgrounds, have strong academic records and demonstrated leadership skills. Program participation gives students a distinct competitive advantage when adjusting to college life, learning in classes, and applying for internship opportunities, ultimately preparing them for successful careers in business. BEL is a 3- summer commitment, where students who successfully complete all 3 summers and are accepted into the University of Wisconsin- Madison, will receive a 4-year tuition-paid scholarship, accompanied by direct admission into the Wisconsin School of Business. 

  • BEL Program participants have the opportunity to explore business majors and related coursework, visit regional corporations, complete self-assessments, explore their identities, and participate in applied learning activities.
  • The BEL Program meets every summer for three years, beginning the summer after tenth grade.
  • Students live on the UW–Madison campus in Dejope Residence Hall, located right along the shore of Lake Mendota.
  • There is no cost for students to participate in the BEL Program once they arrive on campus


43.0727087, -89.4016356

Business Emerging Leaders Program



Business Emerging Leaders Program
975 University Avenue
3290 Grainger Hall,
Madison, WI 53706
United States



(608) 890-1508


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