B.E.S.T. Summer Camp - Madison
ATTENTION Moms and Dads in the Madison area!
If you have children ages 5-12 then you need to read on!
Black Belt America introduces Madison's B.E.S.T. Summer Camp! We will hold camp every week school is out and offer the best experience in town. Not only will you rest assured that your children are safe due to our extensive background checks, First Aid/CPR Certifications and complete staff training, your children will actually thank you for bringing them here!
The B.E.S.T. Summer Camp focuses on Building Essential Skills Today! Each week is packed full of Structured Games and Activities, Field Trips, Martial Arts, Indoor and Outdoor sports and games plus awesome water games during those hot days!
Respect and Courtesy toward each other is taught at the camps. We also have a strong ANTI-BULLY POLICY that ensures your children enjoy their time.
Imagine that your children will wake up excited to go to camp instead of kicking and screaming on the way to the car.
Imagine how you will feel knowing your children are in a positive and safe environment.
Imagine how awesome this Summer is going to be! We can't wait to have you!
Enroll today to reserve your spot. Space is limited and we are filling up fast! Visit www.BlackBeltAmerica.com to register on line TODAY!